The main difference between solutions was in treatment of
Strategies included
a) A separate tag with text inside it describing changes (this was my
expectation and most common approach)
b) A separate tag with additional structure to define who did the changes
and what they were on an item by item basis (item is attribute or
element of original file)
We left the Schema structure unchanged but updated
department data to reflect the details relevant for IU
c) A tag including all changed items without comments
One other approach -- not adopted -- could be:
d) For all elements where either they or attributes in them changed add either
an attribute or element modifiedforiu which could either be a flag
such as modifiedforiu="yes" or a subelement
Here are examples of d)
or a description of what was done
We left the Schema structure unchanged but updated
department data to reflect the details relevant for IU
The advantage of d) is that it is clearer how to link comments
and modified elements
** Final Note **
You should not put tag at top level as this violates
XML constrainst that only one tree in each document.
Put inside