// CrazyText.java, 2.3, Patrick Taylor (http://nicom.com/~taylor) // Works with JDK 1.0. // Based on Daniel Wyszynski's NervousText applet from the JDK 1.0 beta1. // See accompanying HTML documentation for detailed information. // Requires my CrazyLabel and BorderPanel classes. import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Event; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Image; import java.net.URL; public class CrazyTextBG_fadingray extends java.applet.Applet { static final String home = "http://nicom.com/~taylor/classes/CrazyText"; CrazyTextBGLabel_fadingray label; URL url; String message; public String getAppletInfo() { return "CrazyText 2.3 by Patrick Taylor (taylor@nicom.com)"; } protected String getParam(String name, String defaultVal) { String val = getParameter(name); return (val == null) ? defaultVal : val; } protected Color getColorParam(String name, Color defaultVal) { try { String val = getParameter(name).replace('#',' ').trim(); return new Color(Integer.parseInt(val, 16)); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultVal; } } public void init() { // get font params String fontName = getParam("fontName","TimesRoman"); int fontSize = Integer.parseInt(getParam("fontSize","36")); boolean fontBold = getParam("fontBold","true").equals("true"); boolean fontItalic = getParam("fontItalic","false").equals("true"); int fontStyle = (fontBold ? Font.BOLD : 0) + (fontItalic ? Font.ITALIC : 0); // get background image Image bgImage = null; String bgImageName = getParam("bgImage","none"); if (!bgImageName.equals("none")) { bgImage = getImage(getDocumentBase(),bgImageName); } // get applet-only params try { String urlSpec = getParam("url",home); if (!urlSpec.equals("none")) { url = new URL(getDocumentBase(), urlSpec); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } message = getParam("message",getAppletInfo()); if (message.equals("$url")) { message = url.toString(); } // Note: Having set/get methods for the CrazyLabel and BorderPanel // instance variables adds over 1.7K to the total size of the classes. // Object-oriented purists may object (pun intended), but users should // appreciate the shorter download time. // create and configure a CrazyLabel label = new CrazyTextBGLabel_fadingray(getParam("text","CrazyText")); label.setForeground(getColorParam("fgcolor",Color.white)); label.setBackground(getColorParam("bgcolor",Color.lightGray)); label.setFont(new Font(fontName, fontStyle, fontSize)); label.delay = Integer.parseInt(getParam("delay","100")); label.delta = Integer.parseInt(getParam("delta","5")); label.hgap = Integer.parseInt(getParam("hgap","1")); label.vgap = Integer.parseInt(getParam("vgap","0")); label.hspace = Integer.parseInt(getParam("hspace","0")); label.vspace = Integer.parseInt(getParam("vspace","0")); label.clear = getParam("clear","true").equals("true"); label.cycle = getParam("cycle","char"); label.background2 = getColorParam("bgcolor2",null); label.bgGradient = getParam("bgGradient","vertical"); label.shadowDepth = Integer.parseInt(getParam("shadowDepth","2")); label.shadowColor = getColorParam("shadowColor",Color.gray); label.debug = getParam("debug","false").equals("true"); label.bgImage = bgImage; label.observer = this; // create and configure a BorderPanel BorderPanel panel = new BorderPanel(); panel.borderSize = Integer.parseInt(getParam("borderSize","0")); panel.borderOuter = Integer.parseInt(getParam("borderOuter","0")); panel.borderInner = Integer.parseInt(getParam("borderInner","0")); panel.borderRaised = getParam("borderRaised","true").equals("true"); panel.borderColor = getColorParam("borderColor",Color.lightGray); // add label to panel and panel to applet container panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1)); panel.add(label); setLayout(new GridLayout(1,1)); add(panel); // if "resizeMin" parameter is "true", resize applet to minimum size if (getParam("resizeMin","false").equals("true")) { // This doesn't work in Netscape 2.0, but it might someday. // It does work in appletviewer. resize(minimumSize()); } } public void start() { label.start(); // commence craziness } public void stop() { label.stop(); // stop the madness } public boolean mouseEnter(Event evt, int x, int y) { // pointer entered applet area: show message in status area showStatus(message); return true; } public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) { if (evt.modifiers == 0) { // user clicked with no modifer keys down: jump to url in browser if (url != null) { getAppletContext().showDocument(url); } } else { // user clicked with modifer key down: show min size in status area showStatus("I'd like my size to be " + minimumSize().width + "x" + minimumSize().height); } return true; } }