name:setname short:Parameter setname full:Put name of Parameter set to be Used Here value:default browse:top.bigboss.outputmenuobject(self,top.bigboss.setnamemenu) name:hostfilename short:Host File Name full:System will Place Host File Name here if appropriate value:hostdefault browse:top.bigboss.outputmenuobject(self,top.bigboss.hostfilemenu) name:bgfile short:bgfile full:Background File ('background' file extension in the
tag) value:embossed/SciTech.gif browse:button/bgfile name:bgfile2 short:bgfile2 full:Secondary (overview) Background File ('background' file extension in the tag) value:embossed/lighnpac.gif browse:button/bgfile name:textbgfile short:textbgfile full:Background File for HTML(textbodyoption =2) ('background' file extension in the tag) value:clouds/clouds.gif browse:button/bgfile name:textbgfile2 short:textbgfile2 full:Secondary (overview) Background File for HTML(textbodyoption =2) ('background' file extension in the tag) value:textures/soft-grid.gif browse:button/bgfile name:appletname short:appletname full:Defines Applet Name,Width,Height value:CrazyText.class,100%,75 browse:browse/appletname name:appletpname short:appletpname full:Comma separated parameter names value: name:appletpvalue short:appletpvalue full:Comma (same number as in appletpname) separated parameter values value: name:fontsize short:fontsize full:Body Font size index (from 1 to 8) type:font value:5 name:tablefontsize short:tablefontsize full:Table Foils basic Font size index (from 1 to 8) type:font value:5 name:intablefontsize short:intablefontsize full:Table Inside Text Font size index (from 1 to 8) type:font value:6 name:titlefontsize short:titlefontsize full:Title Font size index (from 1 to 8) type:font value:8 name:bgcolor short:bgcolor full:Background color ('bgcolor' attribute in the tag) type:color value:blue browse:button/color name:titlecolor short:titlecolor full:Title color for non Image or Table Foils ('color' attribute in the tag that embraces the title section) type:color value:goldenrod browse:button/color name:tabletitlecolor short:tabletitlecolor full:Color of Title for Table Style Foils('color' attribute in the tag that embraces the title section) type:color value:darkviolet browse:button/color name:intablefontcolor short:intablefontcolor full:Color of Text Inside Table Style Foils('color' attribute in the tag that embraces the title section) type:color value:black browse:button/color name:intablebgcolor short:intablebgcolor full:Color of Background Inside Table Style Foils('color' attribute in the tag that embraces the title section) type:color value:navajowhite browse:button/color name:fgcolor short:fgcolor full:Text (textbodyoption=1) color ('text' attribute in the tag) type:color value:white browse:button/color name:tablefontcolor short:tablefontcolor full:Basic Text in Table Foils (textbodyoption=2) color ('text' attribute in the tag) skip:fullonly type:color value:black browse:button/color name:fontcolor short:fontcolor full:Font color ('color' attribute in the tag that embraces the whole page) skip:fullonly type:color value:black browse:button/color name:buttoncolor short:buttoncolor full:Color Used in Buttons formed as tables skip:fullonly type:color value:salmon browse:button/color name:auxbgcolor short:auxbgcolor full:Background color in Auxiliary Windows ('bgcolor' attribute in the tag) type:color skip:fullonly value:yellow browse:button/color name:auxfgcolor short:auxfgcolor full:Text color for Auxiliary Windows ('text' attribute in the tag) type:color skip:fullonly value:red browse:button/color name:auxbuttoncolor short:auxbuttoncolor full:Color Used for Auxiliary Windows in Buttons formed as tables skip:fullonly type:color value:salmon browse:button/color name:imgtitlecolor skip:fullonly short:imgtitlecolor full:Font color for foils containing images ('color' attribute in the tag that embraces the title section) type:color skip:fullonly value:black browse:button/color name:imgfgcolor short:imgfgcolor full:Text color for foils containing images ('text' attribute in the tag) type:color skip:fullonly value:black browse:button/color name:linkcolor short:linkcolor full:Color of Unvisited Links type:color skip:fullonly value:cyan browse:button/color name:vlinkcolor short:vlinkcolor full:Color of Visited Links type:color skip:fullonly value:magenta browse:button/color name:alinkcolor short:alinkcolor full:Color of Active Links type:color skip:fullonly value:red browse:button/color name:imglinkcolor short:imglinkcolor full:For foils containing Images -- Color of Unvisited Links type:color skip:fullonly value:cyan browse:button/color name:imgvlinkcolor short:imgvlinkcolor full:For foils containing Images -- Color of Visited Links type:color skip:fullonly value:magenta browse:button/color name:imgalinkcolor short:imgalinkcolor full:For foils containing Images -- Color of Active Links type:color skip:fullonly value:red browse:button/color name:tablelinkcolor short:tablelinkcolor full:For foils containing Tables -- Color of Unvisited Links type:color skip:fullonly value:darkgreen browse:button/color name:tablevlinkcolor short:tablevlinkcolor full:For foils containing Tables -- Color of Visited Links type:color skip:fullonly value:magenta browse:button/color name:tablealinkcolor short:tablealinkcolor full:For foils containing Tables -- Color of Active Links type:color skip:fullonly value:red browse:button/color name:horizimagewidth short:horizimagewidth full:Landscape Image width ('width' attribute in the tag that is used to define IMAGE component of foils) value:569 name:horizimagestyle short:horizimagestyle full:Landscape Image Strategy (parmvalue,maximum,minimum,native) value:maximum name:vertimagewidth short:vertimagewidth full:Portrait Image width ('width' attribute in the tag that is used to define IMAGE component of foils) value:320 name:vertimagestyle short:vertimagestyle full:Portrait Image Strategy (parmvalue,maximum,minimum,native) value:native name:titleoption short:titleoption full:Title Option ( Defines technique(applet) used to display title) 0 is normal, 1 blink, 2 applet value:0 name:textbodyoption short:textbodyoption full: if 1 use background color, if 2 background file in HTML foils value:2 name:audioraramoption short:audioraramoption full:set to 1 to use RA(local download) or 2 RAM(server) audio play value:1 name:timeoutvalue short:timeoutvalue full:Timeout value in Milliseconds value:150000 name:debug short:debug full:Internal Use Only skip:partial value:UN_SET