1  /*
  2   *  File:  mObjApplet.java
  3   *
  4   *  Double-buffered version of mRectApplet.java
  5   *  with boundary checking
  6   */
  8  import java.applet.*;
  9  import java.awt.*;
 11  public class mObjApplet extends Applet implements Runnable 
 12  {
 13    // Instance variables:
 14    private int numObj = 3;       // number of movable objects
 15    private mPoint object[];      // array of movable objects
 16    private Thread thread;        // a thread
 17    private Image buffer;         // image object for double buffering
 18    private Graphics gOffScreen;  // graphics object for double buffering
 21    // Override java.applet.Applet.init:
 22    public void init () 
 23    {
 24      setBackground( Color.black );
 25      setForeground( Color.white );
 27      // Instantiate object array:
 28      object = new mPoint[ numObj ];
 29      // Instantiate a rectangle:
 30      object[0] = new mRectangle( 10, 10, 100, 100 );
 31      object[0].setDelta( 2, 3 );
 32      object[0].setColor( Color.red );
 33      // Instantiate a circle:
 34      object[1] = new mOval( 200, 10, 100, 100 );
 35      object[1].setDelta( -3, 2 );
 36      object[1].setColor( Color.blue );
 37      // Instantiate a triangle:
 38      object[2] = new mTriangle( 10, 200, 100, 100 );
 39      object[2].setDelta( -2, 2 );
 40      object[2].setColor( Color.green );
 42      // Create an off-screen image for double buffering:
 43      buffer = createImage( getSize().width, getSize().height );
 44      // Get off-screen graphics context:
 45      gOffScreen = buffer.getGraphics(); 
 46    }
 48    // Override java.applet.Applet.start:
 49    public void start() 
 50    {
 51      if ( thread == null ) 
 52      { thread = new Thread( this );
 53        thread.start();
 54      }
 55    }
 57    // Override java.applet.Applet.stop:
 58    public void stop() 
 59    {
 60      if ( thread != null ) 
 61      { thread.stop();
 62        thread = null;
 63      }
 64    }
 66    // Implement java.lang.Runnable.run:
 67    public void run() 
 68    {
 69      while ( thread != null ) 
 70      {
 71        repaint();
 72        try 
 73        { Thread.sleep(20);
 74        } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {   };    // Do nothing  
 75      }
 76    }
 78    // Override java.awt.Component.update
 79    public void update (Graphics g)
 80    { paint (g);
 81    }
 83    // Override java.awt.Component.paint
 84    public void paint( Graphics g ) 
 85    {
 86      // Fill background:
 87      gOffScreen.setColor( getBackground() );
 88      gOffScreen.fillRect( 1, 1, getSize().width - 2, getSize().height - 2 );
 90      //  move each object after checking the boundary:
 91         for ( int i = 0; i < numObj; i++ ) 
 92          {
 93          object[i].checkBoundary( getBounds() );
 94          object[i].move();
 95          object[i].paint(gOffScreen);
 96          }
 98      // Draw the buffer in the applet window:
 99      g.drawImage( buffer, 0, 0, this );
100    }
101  }