1  /* File:  mRectangle.java */
  3  import java.awt.*;
  5  public class mRectangle extends mPoint 
  6  {
  7    // Instance variables:
  8    protected int w, h;      // width and height
 10    // Constructor:
 11    public mRectangle( int new_x, int new_y, int new_w, int new_h ) 
 12    {
 13      // Invoke the constructor of the superclass mPoint:
 14      super( new_x, new_y );
 15      w = new_w; h = new_h;
 16    }
 18    // Implement mPoint.paint( Graphics ):
 19    public void paint( Graphics g ) 
 20    {
 21      g.setColor( color );
 22      g.fillRect( x, y, w, h );
 23    }
 25    // Implement mPoint.checkBoundary( Rectangle ):
 26    public void checkBoundary( Rectangle r ) 
 27    {
 28      // Calculate new location:
 29      int nx = x + dx, ny = y + dy;
 30      // Check if new location out of bounds:
 31      if ( (nx < r.x) || (nx + w > r.x + r.width) ) dx = -dx;
 32      if ( (ny < r.y) || (ny + h > r.y + r.height) ) dy = -dy;
 33    }
 35    // Implement mPoint.isInside( int, int ):
 36    public boolean isInside( int some_x, int some_y ) 
 37    {
 38      Rectangle r = new Rectangle( x, y, w, h );
 39      return r.contains( some_x, some_y );
 40    }
 42  } // end of mRectangle class