1  /*  File: EchoClient.java
  2   *
  3   *  An applet to open a socket to the ThreadedEchoServer class.
  4   *  This is set up to run on port 4882 and requires you to independently 
  5   *  run the Server on the web host.
  6   * 
  7   */
  9  import java.awt.*;
 10  import java.awt.event.*;
 11  import java.io.*;
 12  import java.net.*;
 14  public class EchoClient extends java.applet.Applet
 15                                  implements ActionListener
 16  {  
 17    TextArea t1, t2;
 18    Button send;
 19    Socket t;
 20    BufferedReader in;
 21    PrintWriter out;
 23    public void init()
 24    {
 25      t1 = new TextArea( "Type your message here.", 5, 40 );
 26      t2 = new TextArea( "Echo Server replies will appear here.", 5, 40 );
 27      send = new Button ( "Send >>>" );
 28      send.addActionListener( this );
 29      setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT, 5,5 ) );
 30      add( t1 );
 31      add( send );
 32      add( t2 );
 34      try
 35      {
 36        t = new Socket( this.getCodeBase().getHost(), 4882 );  
 37        in = new BufferedReader(
 38               new InputStreamReader( t.getInputStream() ) );
 39        out = new PrintWriter( t.getOutputStream(), true );
 41        String str = in.readLine();
 42        t2.setText( str );
 43      }
 44      catch( Exception ex )
 45      { System.out.println( ex );
 46        t1.setText( ex.toString() );
 47      }
 48    } 
 50    public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
 51    {
 52        try
 53        {
 54          out.println( t1.getText() );
 55          t1.setText( "Sent" );
 56          String str = in.readLine();
 57          t2.setText( str );
 58        }
 59        catch ( IOException ex )
 60        { System.out.println( ex );
 61          t1.setText( ex.toString() );
 62        }
 63    }
 64  }