// File: SharedCell.java (Fig. 13.6 in JHTP2) // // Show multiple threads modifying shared object. // Use synchronization to ensure that both threads // access the shared cell properly. import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; public class SharedCell extends Applet { private TextArea output; public void init() { setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); output = new TextArea(); add( output, BorderLayout.CENTER ); } public void start() { HoldInteger h = new HoldInteger( output ); ProduceInteger p = new ProduceInteger( h ); ConsumeInteger c = new ConsumeInteger( h ); p.start(); c.start(); } } class ProduceInteger extends Thread { private HoldInteger pHold; public ProduceInteger( HoldInteger h ) { pHold = h; } public void run() { for ( int count = 0; count < 10; count++ ) { // sleep for a random interval try { Thread.sleep( (int) ( Math.random() * 500 ) ); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { System.err.println( e.toString() ); } pHold.setSharedInt( count ); System.out.println( "Produced set sharedInt to " + count ); } pHold.setMoreData( false ); } } class ConsumeInteger extends Thread { private HoldInteger cHold; public ConsumeInteger( HoldInteger h ) { cHold = h; } public void run() { int val; while ( cHold.hasMoreData() ) { // sleep for a random interval try { Thread.sleep( (int) ( Math.random() * 3000 ) ); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { System.err.println( e.toString() ); } val = cHold.getSharedInt(); System.out.println( "Consumer retrieved " + val ); } } } class HoldInteger { private int sharedInt[] = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; private boolean moreData = true; private boolean writeable = true; private boolean readable = false; private int readLoc = 0, writeLoc = 0; private TextArea output; public HoldInteger( TextArea out ) { output = out; } public synchronized void setSharedInt( int val ) { while ( !writeable ) { try { output.append( " WAITING TO PRODUCE " + val ); wait(); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { System.err.println( e.toString() ); } } sharedInt[ writeLoc ] = val; readable = true; output.append( "\nProduced " + val + " into cell " + writeLoc ); writeLoc = ( writeLoc + 1 ) % 5; output.append( "\twrite " + writeLoc + "\tread " + readLoc ); printBuffer( output, sharedInt ); if ( writeLoc == readLoc ) { writeable = false; output.append( "\nBUFFER FULL" ); } notify(); } public synchronized int getSharedInt() { int val; while ( !readable ) { try { output.append( " WAITING TO CONSUME" ); wait(); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { System.err.println( e.toString() ); } } writeable = true; val = sharedInt[ readLoc ]; output.append( "\nConsumed " + val + " from cell " + readLoc ); readLoc = ( readLoc + 1 ) % 5; output.append( "\twrite " + writeLoc + "\tread " + readLoc ); printBuffer( output, sharedInt ); if ( readLoc == writeLoc ) { readable = false; output.append( "\nBUFFER EMPTY" ); } notify(); return val; } public void printBuffer( TextArea out, int buf[] ) { DecimalFormat threeChars = new DecimalFormat( " #;-#" ); output.append( "\tbuffer: " ); for ( int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++ ) out.append( " " + threeChars.format( buf[ i ] ) ); } public void setMoreData( boolean b ) { moreData = b; } public boolean hasMoreData() { if ( moreData == false && readLoc == writeLoc ) return false; else return true; } }