See Our Area Code and Telephone Directory JavaScript Programs
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This book is Netscape's official introduction to JavaScript for non-programmers! This Online Companion contains 220 examples from the book, including Area Code and Telphone Directory applications and a Color Chart. It should be in the bookstores by June, 1997. We've written this book for the majority of Web-site developers, people who know how to create Web pages, but may know next to nothing about programming. We teach JavaScript step by step, and include many scripts that you can type into your Web pages from the book or, better still, grab straight from the Web pages of our Online Companion.
The book is written by Peter Kent, best-selling author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Internet and Using Netscape 3 (and another 28 computer- and Internet-related books), and John Kent, a veteran programmer with an M.Sc. in Microprocessor Technology and extensive experience with most popular programming languages. We believe this combination of a writer used to writing in an informal style for users, and an experienced programmer, has produced an easy-to-use primer on JavaScript, the sort of book non-programmers can work with without breaking out in a sweat. We've cut the programming double-speak, and limited ourselves to plain English and only those programming terms that are necessary for an understanding of how to work with JavaScript.
Our Web site has 220 examples. These example pages don't include the full explanation of the scripts, of course...that's in the book. Still, you may find these examples useful even if you don't have the book. They show what a script does, and show the script we used to do it. You'll also find a page that demonstrates all the available colors that can be used in your Web pages. Feel free to copy any scripts you want to use in your own Web pages. (The only restriction is that these scripts may not be redistributed in any way without permission.) We've also created three complete JavaScript application (the Area Code Program and two versions of a Telephone Directory) using the techniques we teach in the book.
TITLE: Official Netscape JavaScript 1.2 Book
PUBLISHER: Netscape Press
AUTHORS: Peter Kent (Lakewood, CO, USA) and John Kent
(London, England)
SHIP DATE: June 1997
ISBN: 1-56604-657-0
PRICES: USA $29.99, CANADA $41.99
USER LEVELS: Beginning to Intermediate