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Class sun.beanbox.JarInfo


public class JarInfo
extends Object
Represents a loaded Jar file

Constructor Index

 o JarInfo(String, SimpleClassLoader, String[], boolean[], MessageHeader[])
Create a JarInfo.

Method Index

 o getBeanInfo(int)
Get the BeanInfo for the ith bean in this jar file
 o getCount()
Get the number of beans in this Jar file
 o getInstance(String)
Get a new Bean instance given its name
 o getJarName()
Get the name of the file containing this JAR
 o getJarName(String)
Global information: where did a given bean came from?
 o getManifestData(String)
Get to Manifest Headers for this bean
 o getName(int)
The bean name of this bean
 o isFromPrototype(String)
Was this bean from a serialized prototype? -- unused so far?


 o JarInfo
 public JarInfo(String jarName,
                SimpleClassLoader cl,
                String beanNames[],
                boolean fromPrototype[],
                MessageHeader manifestData[])
Create a JarInfo.

jarName - The name of the file containing the Jar
cl - The ClassLoader instance
beanName - The names for all the beans
fromPrototype - Whether this bean is from a serialized prototype


 o getJarName
 public static String getJarName(String beanName)
Global information: where did a given bean came from?

 o getJarName
 public String getJarName()
Get the name of the file containing this JAR

 o getCount
 public int getCount()
Get the number of beans in this Jar file

 o getBeanInfo
 public BeanInfo getBeanInfo(int i)
Get the BeanInfo for the ith bean in this jar file

 o getName
 public String getName(int i)
The bean name of this bean

 o isFromPrototype
 public boolean isFromPrototype(String name)
Was this bean from a serialized prototype? -- unused so far?

 o getManifestData
 public MessageHeader getManifestData(String name)
Get to Manifest Headers for this bean

 o getInstance
 public Object getInstance(String name)
Get a new Bean instance given its name

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