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Class sunw.demo.classfile.EncapsulatedEventAdaptorClassFile


public final class EncapsulatedEventAdaptorClassFile
extends Object

This class is used by the EncapsulatedEventAdaptorGenerator to author the implementation of the EncapsulatedEventAdaptor classes that it is responsible for generating and loading.

This class wraps all the ClassFile generic support classes and provides the adaptor specific implemenetation.

See Also:

Constructor Index

 o EncapsulatedEventAdaptorClassFile(String, OutputStream)

This statis function creates the class file implementation and writes it to the stream for loading ...


 o EncapsulatedEventAdaptorClassFile
 public EncapsulatedEventAdaptorClassFile(String className,
                                          OutputStream os) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException

This statis function creates the class file implementation and writes it to the stream for loading ...

className - the name of the adaptor class to synthesize.
os - the stream to write the class file into

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