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Class sun.beanbox.AppletClassGenerator


public class AppletClassGenerator
extends Object
Generate a AppletClass for an Applet.

Constructor Index

 o AppletClassGenerator(BeanBox)
A generator for AppletClasses.

Method Index

 o beanHasHiddenState(Object)
Returns true if bean has hidden state.
 o findBeansWithHiddenState()
Initializes a private collection of beans that contain hidden-state, if any.
 o generateClass(String, File, String[])
Generate a AppletClass for the given BeanBox; Includes compiling it TBD; classes should not be in the default package we should pass around the package name.
 o shouldSerializeHiddenStateBeans()
Returns true if beans containing hidden-state are nested in this beanbox.
 o uniqueName(Object)
manage unique names


 o AppletClassGenerator
 public AppletClassGenerator(BeanBox box)
A generator for AppletClasses. Box is the beanbox Name is the AppletClass name Dir is the directory where to place the generated .java and .class files


 o generateClass
 public boolean generateClass(String appletName,
                              File dir,
                              String jars[])
Generate a AppletClass for the given BeanBox; Includes compiling it TBD; classes should not be in the default package we should pass around the package name.

 o uniqueName
 public static String uniqueName(Object bean)
manage unique names

 o beanHasHiddenState
 protected boolean beanHasHiddenState(Object bean)
Returns true if bean has hidden state.

 o shouldSerializeHiddenStateBeans
 protected boolean shouldSerializeHiddenStateBeans()
Returns true if beans containing hidden-state are nested in this beanbox.

 o findBeansWithHiddenState
 protected void findBeansWithHiddenState()
Initializes a private collection of beans that contain hidden-state, if any.

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