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Class sun.beanbox.ObjectInputStreamLoader


public class ObjectInputStreamLoader
extends ObjectInputStream
This subclass of ObjectInputStream delegates loading of classes to an existing ClassLoader.

Constructor Index

 o ObjectInputStreamLoader(InputStream, ClassLoader)
Loader must be non-null;

Method Index

 o getClassLoader()
 o resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass)
Use the given ClassLoader rather than using the system class


 o ObjectInputStreamLoader
 public ObjectInputStreamLoader(InputStream in,
                                ClassLoader loader) throws IOException, StreamCorruptedException
Loader must be non-null;


 o resolveClass
 protected Class resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass classDesc) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Use the given ClassLoader rather than using the system class

resolveClass in class ObjectInputStream
 o getClassLoader
 public ClassLoader getClassLoader()

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