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java.lang.Object | +----java.util.EventObject | +----sunw.demo.encapsulatedEvents.EncapsulatedEvent
The EncapsulatedEvent class is a subclass of java.util.EventObject and is designed as part of a package sun.demo.encapsulatedEvents to demonstrate the dynamic generation of JavaBeans Event Adaptor classes, and also a technique for creating a polymorphic event processing model as an extension of the existing JavaBeans Event Model.
Construct an Event Object from a simple event listener method.
Construct an Event Object from an intermediate.
Construct an EncapsulatedEvent object.
Construct an Event Object from a cracked event listener method.
This method can be used to deliver the encapsulated event to an object that conforms to the EventListener sub-interface that the event originated from.
protected EventObject event
protected Method listenerMethod
protected Class listenerInterface
protected Object eventArgs[]
protected EncapsulatedEvent(Object s, EventObject e, Method m, Object a[])
Construct an EncapsulatedEvent object. An EncapsulatedEvent contains a reference to the "actual" event occurring, and the Method/Class from which this "actual" event was fired.
public EncapsulatedEvent(Object s, EventObject e, Method m)
Construct an Event Object from an intermediate.
public EncapsulatedEvent(EventObject e, Method m)
Construct an Event Object from a simple event listener method.
public EncapsulatedEvent(Object s, Method m, Object a[])
Construct an Event Object from a cracked event listener method.
public EventObject getEvent()
public Class getEventClass()
public String getEventClassName()
public Object getEventSource()
public Method getListenerMethod()
public String getListenerMethodName()
public Class getListenerInterface()
public String getListenerInterfaceName()
public Object[] getEventArguments()
public void deliverEvent(EventListener el) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException
This method can be used to deliver the encapsulated event to an object that conforms to the EventListener sub-interface that the event originated from.
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