/* * @(#)NumberFormatDemo.java 1.1 96/11/23 * * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - All Rights Reserved * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - All Rights Reserved * * Portions copyright (c) 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted * and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These * materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent * and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International * patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed. * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software * and its documentation for NON-COMMERCIAL purposes and without * fee is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice * appears in all copies. Please refer to the file "copyright.html" * for further important copyright and licensing information. * * SUN MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF * THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED * TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. SUN SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR * DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. * */ import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; import java.text.*; /** * Concrete class for demonstrating how to convert binary numbers into text * strings for meaningful display. * The following is the instruction on how to run the number format demo. *

* =================== *

Number formatters convert binary numbers (integer or float data types) * into text strings for meaningful display. The number formatters: *


* Localized Formats   * Creating Formats with Patterns   * Parsing Text *


Localized Formats


The number formatters let you format numbers in the ways that are * appropriate for any user's conventions, including country-specific formats * such as currencies. You can also specify other formatting options such as * minimum and maximum number of digits displayed. *


The applet displays the number in two formats—the Java 1.0 * representation ("Java 1.0 Number"), and the localized format * generated by the number formatters ("New Number"). *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To See This...Do This...
Localized number formats. In the international * string, the separator characters change to reflect the conventions used by * different countries. * * * * * * * * * * *
1. * Pull down the Locale menu *
2. * Try several different locales with the up and down arrow keys * (on Windows) or the mouse button (on Macintosh) *
Localized currency formats. The formatter adds * a prefix or suffix to indicate the currency unit. It also uses a minus sign * or parentheses to indicate negative numbers, as appropriate. * * * * * * * * * * *
1. * Click on the Currency button *
2. * Pull down the Locale menu and try several different locales *
Setting formatting options, for example, * specifying a precise number of decimal places. * * * * * * *
1. * Type "3" in the Min field for Decimal Count * —the formatter appends zeroes to display the specified number of * decimal places *

Creating Formats with Patterns


A string pattern can control the output format for a number formatter, * making it easy for you to edit a format or provide an editing mechanism * for end users. The pattern also changes to reflect any changes you make * programmatically. *


Patterns can either be invariant (for use only by programmers) or * localized (for use by end users). Click on the Localized Pattern * box to change the state. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
To See This...Do This...
You can edit the pattern to create a new format. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1. * Select the Default Format button and the English * (United States) locale *
2. * Increase the maximum number for Decimal Count *
3. * Delete the "#" characters at the end of the Pattern * field and type in zeroes—the decimal places in the New Number * field change to zeroes *
You can edit the prefix and suffix strings, and * create different patterns for positive and negative numbers. * * * * * * * * * * *
1. * Type a plus sign ("+") in the Prefix field for * positive numbers to modify the positive number pattern *
2. * Delete the minus sign from the Java 1.0 number *


Parsing Text


The number formatters not only format for any language, but can parse * numbers displayed in any language back into binary format. *

* * * * * * * * * *
To See This...Do This...
Changes to the international number are parsed * and reflected in the Java 1.0 Number field. * * * * * * *
1. * Select the thousands separator character in the New Number * field (the comma if you are still in the U.S. locale) and replace it with * a number *

The parsing mechanism is somewhat lenient. For example, a thousands * separator character can be misplaced and the parser still returns the * correct value.


Though not yet demonstrated here, the number formatters also handle * IEEE number symbols such as the infinity sign and NaN (for example, 0/0), * creating the correct results for both formatting and parsing. The formatters * also return the alignment point so you can line up the end of integer * portions correctly even without monospace fonts or with strange number * conventions.


You can type in other numbers in either number field or enter a * completely new pattern to see different formatting behaviors. Try it out! *

* @see java.util.Format * @see java.util.NumberFormat * @version 1.1 11/23/96 * @author Laura Werner, Mark Davis */ // Change history: Helena Shih 091996: Added comments prior spec review. public class NumberFormatDemo extends DemoApplet { /** * The main function which defines the behavior of the NumberFormatDemo * applet when an applet is started. */ public static void main(String argv[]) { DemoApplet.showDemo(new NumberFormatFrame(null)); } /** * This creates a NumberFormatFrame for the demo applet. */ public Frame createDemoFrame(DemoApplet applet) { return new NumberFormatFrame(applet); } } /** * A Frame is a top-level window with a title. The default layout for a frame * is BorderLayout. The NumberFormatFrame class defines the window layout of * NumberFormatDemo. */ class NumberFormatFrame extends Frame implements KeyListener, ItemListener, WindowListener { /** * Constructs a new NumberFormatFrame that is initially invisible. */ public NumberFormatFrame(DemoApplet applet) { super("Number Formatting Demo"); this.applet = applet; addWindowListener(this); init(); start(); } /** * Initializes the applet. You never need to call this directly, it * is called automatically by the system once the applet is created. */ public void init() { //Get all locales for debugging, but only get G7 locales for demos. if (DEBUG == true) locales = NumberFormat.getAvailableLocales(); else locales = Utility.getG7Locales(); buildGUI(); // Stick the names of the locales into the locale popup menu Locale displayLocale = Locale.getDefault(); for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { if (locales[i].getCountry().length() > 0) { localeMenu.addItem( locales[i].getDisplayName() ); if (locales[i].equals(Locale.getDefault())) { localeMenu.select(i); } } } // For starters, use the default format for the selected locale in the // menu setFormatFromLocale(); } /** * Called to start the applet. You never need to call this method * directly, it is called when the applet's document is visited. */ public void start() { inputText.setText("-1234.56"); clickedRightButton(); } /* ItemListener method */ public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == getPercent) { clickedGetPercent(); } else if (e.getSource() == getCurrency) { clickedGetCurrency(); } else if (e.getSource() == getInstance) { clickedGetDefault(); } else if (e.getSource() == getLocalized) { isLocalized = getLocalized.getState(); handleNewFormat(); } else if (e.getSource() == localeMenu) { selectedLocaleMenu(); } } /* Key Listener methods */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == inputText) { inputChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == patternText) { patternChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == outputText) { outputChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == posSuffix) { posSuffixChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == posPrefix) { posPrefixChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == negSuffix) { negSuffixChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == negPrefix) { negPrefixChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == decMax) { decMaxChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == decMin) { decMinChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == intMax) { intMaxChanged(); } else if (e.getSource() == intMin) { intMinChanged(); } } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } /* Window Listener methods */ public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { } public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { setVisible(false); dispose(); if (applet != null) { applet.demoClosed(); } else System.exit(0); } /** * This function is called when it is necessary to create a new number * format. For example, when a new locale is chosen, a new number * format for that locale needs to be created. Or, when a number * format attributes have been changed. */ public void handleNewFormat() { if (isLocalized) { workaroundSetText(patternText,format.toLocalizedPattern() ); } else workaroundSetText(patternText,format.toPattern() ); // force the text in the output area to use the new format clickedRightButton(); } /** * A new number format needs to be created if the attributes are changed. */ public void handleAttributeChange() { handleNewFormat(); } /** * Called when a formatting event has occured. */ public boolean handleFormatting(Event evt, Object obj) { return true; } /** * Create a new number format if a new locale has been selected. */ public void setFormatFromLocale() { // Find the locale corresponding to the currently selected menu item int index = localeMenu.getSelectedIndex(); Locale aLocale = locales[index]; if (getPercent.getState()) { format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(aLocale); } else if (getCurrency.getState()) { format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(aLocale); } else { format = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance(aLocale); } handleNewFormat(); updateAttributes(); } /** * This is used to avoid goofy updates and misplaced cursors */ public void workaroundSetText(TextComponent area, String newText) { String foo = workaround(area.getText()); if (foo.equals(newText)) return; area.setText(newText); //if (area.gotFocus()) // area.select(newText.length(),newText.length()); } /** * Update the attributes. */ public void updateAttributes() { workaroundSetText(intMin,toString(format.getMinimumIntegerDigits()) ); workaroundSetText(intMax,toString(format.getMaximumIntegerDigits()) ); workaroundSetText(decMin,toString(format.getMinimumFractionDigits()) ); workaroundSetText(decMax,toString(format.getMaximumFractionDigits()) ); workaroundSetText(negPrefix,format.getNegativePrefix() ); workaroundSetText(negSuffix,format.getNegativeSuffix() ); workaroundSetText(posPrefix,format.getPositivePrefix() ); workaroundSetText(posSuffix,format.getPositiveSuffix() ); } /** * Get the default number formatter. */ public void clickedGetDefault() { setFormatFromLocale(); } /** * Update the number formatter with currency attribute. */ public void clickedGetCurrency() { setFormatFromLocale(); } /** * Update the number formatter with percentage attribute. */ public void clickedGetPercent() { setFormatFromLocale(); } /** * Update the number formatter when a new locale is selected. */ public void selectedLocaleMenu() { setFormatFromLocale(); } /** * If the user changes the input number, format it immediately */ public void inputChanged() { clickedRightButton(); } /** * If the user changes the output number, format it immediately */ public void outputChanged() { clickedLeftButton(); } /** * Update the text in the input area to use the new number format. */ public void clickedRightButton() { String leftString = workaround(inputText.getText()); Number num; try { num = new Double(leftString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { outputText.setText(""); inputText.selectAll(); return; } workaroundSetText(outputText,format.format(num)); } /** * Update the text in the output area to use the new number format. */ public void clickedLeftButton() { String rightString = workaround(outputText.getText()); Number num; ParsePosition status = new ParsePosition(1); try { num = format.parse(rightString, status); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { errorText("Exception: " + e.getClass() + e.getMessage()); inputText.setText(""); outputText.selectAll(); return; } if (status.getIndex() != rightString.length()) { errorText("excess text: " + rightString.substring(status.getIndex(), rightString.length())); } workaroundSetText(inputText, num.toString() ); } /** * When the user changes the field containing the pattern, a new format * needs to be constructed from the pattern, then redisplay everything. */ public void patternChanged() { String foo = workaround(patternText.getText()); try { if (isLocalized) { format.applyLocalizedPattern(foo); errorText("Pattern: " + foo + " -> " + format.toLocalizedPattern()); } else { format.applyPattern(foo); errorText("Pattern: " + foo + " -> " + format.toPattern()); } } catch (Exception bar) { errorText("Exception: " + bar.getClass() + bar.getMessage()); } updateAttributes(); clickedRightButton(); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // package private //------------------------------------------------------------ void addWithFont(Container container, Component foo, Font font) { if (font != null) foo.setFont(font); container.add(foo); } //{{DECLARE_CONTROLS Panel localePanel; CheckboxGroup group1; Label label1; Label label2; Label label3; Choice localeMenu; Label localeLabel; TextField inputText; TextField outputText; //Button rightButton; //Button leftButton; TextField patternText; Label label4; TextField negPrefix; TextField negSuffix; TextField posPrefix; TextField posSuffix; Label label5; Label label6; Label label7; Label label8; TextField intMin; TextField intMax; TextField decMin; TextField decMax; Label label9; Label label10; Label label11; Label label12; Checkbox getInstance; Checkbox getCurrency; Checkbox getPercent; Checkbox getLocalized; Label label13; Label label14; //}} //------------------------------------------------------------ // private //------------------------------------------------------------ private void buildGUI() { //{{INIT_CONTROLS setBackground(Color.white); // MD 8/7 // shouldn't be necessary, but it is! setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,2,2)); // INPUT/OUTPUT/PATTERN Panel creditPanel = new Panel(); label1=new Label("Decimal Number Formatting Demo", Label.CENTER); label1.setFont(Utility.titleFont); creditPanel.add(label1); label13=new Label(creditString, Label.CENTER); label13.setFont(Utility.creditFont); creditPanel.add(label13); Utility.fixGrid(creditPanel,1); add(creditPanel); // IO Panel ioPanel = new Panel(); label3=new Label("New Number", Label.RIGHT); label3.setFont(Utility.labelFont); ioPanel.add(label3); outputText=new TextField(FIELD_COLUMNS); outputText.setFont(Utility.editFont); ioPanel.add(outputText); /*Panel gap1 = new Panel(); gap1.setLayout(null); gap1.resize(5,5); gap1.add(outputText); Panel gap2 = new Panel(); gap2.setLayout(null); gap2.resize(5,5); gap2.add(outputText); */ label2=new Label("Java 1.0 Number", Label.RIGHT); label2.setFont(Utility.labelFont); ioPanel.add(label2); inputText=new TextField(FIELD_COLUMNS); inputText.addKeyListener(this); inputText.setFont(Utility.editFont); ioPanel.add(inputText); label4=new Label("Pattern", Label.RIGHT); label4.setFont(Utility.labelFont); ioPanel.add(label4); patternText=new TextField(FIELD_COLUMNS); patternText.addKeyListener(this); patternText.setFont(Utility.editFont); ioPanel.add(patternText); ioPanel.add(new Label(" ")); getLocalized=new Checkbox("Localized Pattern"); getLocalized.addItemListener(this); getLocalized.setFont(Utility.labelFont); ioPanel.add(getLocalized); Utility.fixGrid(ioPanel,2); add(ioPanel); // LOCALE localePanel=new Panel(); localeLabel=new Label("Locale:"); localeLabel.setFont(Utility.labelFont); localePanel.add("loc",localeLabel); localeMenu= new Choice(); localeMenu.addItemListener(this); localeMenu.setFont(Utility.choiceFont); localePanel.add(localeMenu); // FORMAT CHECKS group1= new CheckboxGroup(); getInstance=new Checkbox("Default Format",group1, false); getInstance.addItemListener(this); getInstance.setFont(Utility.labelFont); localePanel.add(getInstance); getCurrency=new Checkbox("Currency Format",group1, true); getCurrency.addItemListener(this); getCurrency.setFont(Utility.labelFont); localePanel.add(getCurrency); getPercent=new Checkbox("Percent Format",group1, false); getPercent.addItemListener(this); getPercent.setFont(Utility.labelFont); localePanel.add(getPercent); Utility.fixGrid(localePanel,1); Panel bottomPanel = new Panel(); bottomPanel.add(localePanel); BorderPanel x = new BorderPanel(); x.setBackground(Color.lightGray); x.setLayout(null); x.setSize(8,130); bottomPanel.add(x); // PARAMETERS Panel parameterPanel = new Panel(); parameterPanel.add(new Label(" ")); label11=new Label("Min", Label.CENTER); label11.setFont(Utility.labelFont); parameterPanel.add(label11); label12=new Label("Max", Label.CENTER); label12.setFont(Utility.labelFont); parameterPanel.add(label12); label9=new Label("Integers", Label.RIGHT); label9.setFont(Utility.labelFont); parameterPanel.add(label9); intMin=new TextField(4); intMin.addKeyListener(this); intMin.setFont(Utility.editFont); parameterPanel.add(intMin); intMax=new TextField(4); intMax.addKeyListener(this); intMax.setFont(Utility.editFont); parameterPanel.add(intMax); label10=new Label("Decimals", Label.RIGHT); label10.setFont(Utility.labelFont); parameterPanel.add(label10); decMin=new TextField(4); decMin.addKeyListener(this); decMin.setFont(Utility.editFont); parameterPanel.add(decMin); decMax=new TextField(4); decMax.addKeyListener(this); decMax.setFont(Utility.editFont); parameterPanel.add(decMax); parameterPanel.add(new Label(" ")); label7=new Label("Prefix", Label.CENTER); label7.setFont(Utility.labelFont); parameterPanel.add(label7); label8=new Label("Suffix", Label.CENTER); label8.setFont(Utility.labelFont); parameterPanel.add(label8); label6=new Label("Positive", Label.RIGHT); label6.setFont(Utility.labelFont); parameterPanel.add(label6); posPrefix=new TextField(4); posPrefix.addKeyListener(this); posPrefix.setFont(Utility.editFont); parameterPanel.add(posPrefix); posSuffix=new TextField(4); posSuffix.addKeyListener(this); posSuffix.setFont(Utility.editFont); parameterPanel.add(posSuffix); label5=new Label("Negative", Label.RIGHT); label5.setFont(Utility.labelFont); parameterPanel.add(label5); negPrefix=new TextField(4); negPrefix.addKeyListener(this); negPrefix.setFont(Utility.editFont); parameterPanel.add(negPrefix); negSuffix=new TextField(4); negSuffix.addKeyListener(this); negSuffix.setFont(Utility.editFont); parameterPanel.add(negSuffix); Utility.fixGrid(parameterPanel,3); bottomPanel.add(parameterPanel); Utility.fixGrid(bottomPanel,3); Utility.setInsets(bottomPanel,x,new Insets(20,20,2,2)); add(bottomPanel); Panel copyrightPanel = new Panel(); addWithFont (copyrightPanel,new Label(copyrightString, Label.LEFT), Utility.creditFont); addWithFont (copyrightPanel,new Label(copyrightString2, Label.LEFT), Utility.creditFont); Utility.fixGrid(copyrightPanel,1); add(copyrightPanel); } private String toString( int anInt ) { Integer intObj = new Integer(anInt); return intObj.toString(); } private int parseIntField(TextComponent text) { int result = 0; try { Integer value = new Integer(workaround(text.getText())); result = value.intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } return result; } private void intMinChanged() { format.setMinimumIntegerDigits(parseIntField(intMin)); updateAttributes(); handleAttributeChange(); } private void intMaxChanged() { format.setMaximumIntegerDigits(parseIntField(intMax)); updateAttributes(); handleAttributeChange(); } private void decMinChanged() { format.setMinimumFractionDigits(parseIntField(decMin)); updateAttributes(); handleAttributeChange(); } private void decMaxChanged() { format.setMaximumFractionDigits(parseIntField(decMax)); updateAttributes(); handleAttributeChange(); } private void negPrefixChanged() { format.setNegativePrefix(workaround(negPrefix.getText())); updateAttributes(); handleAttributeChange(); } private void negSuffixChanged() { format.setNegativeSuffix(workaround(negSuffix.getText())); updateAttributes(); handleAttributeChange(); } private void posPrefixChanged() { format.setPositivePrefix(workaround(posPrefix.getText())); updateAttributes(); handleAttributeChange(); } private void posSuffixChanged() { format.setPositiveSuffix(workaround(posSuffix.getText())); updateAttributes(); handleAttributeChange(); } /** * Strips high bits, because of bug in Java */ private static String workaround(String source) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < source.length(); ++i) result.append((char)(source.charAt(i) & 0xFF)); return result.toString(); } private void errorText(String s) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println(s); } } private static final String creditString = "v1.1a6, Demo:"; private static final String copyrightString = ""; private static final String copyrightString2 = ""; private static final int FIELD_COLUMNS = 35; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static boolean isLocalized = false; // private Choice formatter, locale; private DecimalFormat format; private Locale[] locales; private DemoApplet applet; }