Examples of Appplications Areas

Examples of Applications Areas

  • Automotive and Aerospace Industry; for example, Mechanical design Analysis for Structured Mechanics, CFD, etc.

  • Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry; for example, Drug Design, Catalysis, Polymer Design, etc.

  • Banking & Insurance; for example, On-line Transaction Processing, Financial Modelling, Data Storage, Retrieval and Warehousing, Data Mining, etc.

  • Government and Public Agencies; for example, Climate Modelling, Environment Simulation for Pollution Studies, etc.

  • Home Entertainment; for example, Multi Media, Imaging, Visualisation, Virtual Reality, Video-on-Demand (movies, TV, news, etc), etc.

  • Medical Services; for example, telemedicine, Virtual Reality, etc.

  • Networks and Communications; for example, High Bandwidth Networking communications, switching, managment, integration, etc.
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    Last updated 25th August 1995 by: mab@npac.syr.edu