Details about Paper Submissions


Your paper can submitted by:

  • Email to
  • Anonymous ftp -
  • Floppy disk - either Macintosh or IBM-compatible disks (3.5-inch), please include your name and the manuscript number on the disk label as well as the program name.

    Please use one of the following formats:

  • TEX,
  • A common wordprocessing program (such as Microsoft Word or WordPerfect),
  • ASCII.

    NB Do not compress the files.

    Do not worry about the appearance of your equations in the electronic versions: as long as we have the correct (easily readable) equations in the original paper received for copyediting, then the typesetter will have no problem inserting the equations.

    We require high-quality copies of your original figures and tables so that they may be inserted in the correct places. The figures and tables can take the form of hard copies of the originals or equivalent quality electronic versions.

    After your manuscript has been copyedited and typeset, you will receive a copy of the paper to proof and return, noting any errors and clearly indicating the corrections to be made. Please check the manuscript carefully, paying particular attention to the equations.

    The content is the most important part of your manuscript. The manuscript must have:

    1. A title (try to keep the title to a maximum of 10 words);
    2. Complete names and addresses of all authors;
    3. An abstract;
    4. Four to six key words;
    5. An introduction;
    6. A conclusion section (must be included and should indicate clearly the advantages, limitations and possible applications);
    7. A Reference section
    8. Finally BRIEF biographies for all authors.

    For furthur information contact:

  • Phone: +1 - (315) 443 - 2083
  • Fax: +1 - (315) 443 - 1973
  • US-Mail: Dr Mark A. Baker Northeast Parallel Architectures Center 111 College Place Syrcuse University Syracuse NY 13244-4100 USA

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    Last updated 5th September 1995 by: