Notes for Authors

Initial Submission.

In the first instance, all text should be submitted as hardcopy, conventionally mailed, by fax or by e-mail to:

Professor Geoffrey C. Fox, Department of Computer Science and Physics, Room 3-131 NPAC, 111 College Place, Syracuse, NY 13244-4100, U.S.A. Telephone: +1 (315) 443 1723; Fax: +1 (315) 443 1973; e-mail:

Hardcopy submissions should include three copies of the manuscript. All submissions should include the contact author's name; e-mail and street address: and telephone, fax, and telex numbers. It would be convenient if submissions from the United Kingdom be sent to Professor Hey.

Submission of Accepted Papers. All accepted papers should be submitted to the Editor or Associate Editors in final form with original artwork for illustrations. Preferably, authors should submit a machine-readable version of their paper along with one `master' hardcopy (see notes below) and a floppy disk of their accepted manuscript. Alternately, authors may submit their papers by e-mail to the above address.

Submission of Electronically Readable Manuscripts. Machine-readable submissions are preferred in TeX or LaTeX. Specific macros which have been specially designed to conform to the journal `house-style' are available from the publisher (Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1UD, U.K.) or the Editor and can be sent e-mail. (Note: these macros will not produce the final appearance of the paper. Double line spaces have been deliberately introduced so that papers are easier to copyedit. The publisher will adjust the line spacing when setting the paper.) Authors are urged to use these macros rather than creating their own so that considerable time and effort can be saved during the production process.

  1. All electronically readable manuscripts must be accompanied by:
    1. a hardcopy of the paper generated by the file submitted on disk;
    2. original artwork for illustrations or Postscript files with a hardcopy (see illustration instructions below).
  2. Submission of TeX files using macros in the `house-style' would be preferred in all cases. If authors attempt to use any other macros or deviations of TeX (e.g. LaTeX), the Publisher shall reimpose house-style macros, possibly causing a delay in publication.
  3. If authors use any other typesetting software, the disk supplied should not contain any control codes (i.e. a straight ASCII file), but the hardcopy of the paper should indicate any specific and special layout or formatting requirements (e.g. bold, italic, special characters, etc.).
  4. All items of artwork or illustrative material should be clearly identified on the back, in pencil, with the author's name and figure number.
  5. The position of each figure should be clearly identified in the text and the figure legend should follow it. (Note: The amount of lettering on a drawing should be reduced as far as possible by transferring it to the legend.)
  6. Halftone illustrations are to be restricted in number to the minimum necessary. Good glossy bromide prints should accompany the manuscript and should not be attached to manuscript pages. Photographs should be enlarged to permit clear reproduction in halftone after reduction. If words or numbers are to appear on a photograph, two prints should be sent, the lettering being clearly indicated on one print only.
  7. Original line drawings (not photocopies) should be submitted suitable for immediate reproduction. Drawings should be about twice the final size and the lettering must be clear and `open' and must be large enough to be reduced in the same proportion. If this is not possible, the lettering should be provided on an overlay.
  8. If illustrations are available in Postscript form, they should be supplied on disk when the manuscript is submitted accompanied by hardcopies. If corrections are required to the illustration, they will be indicated on page proofs and authors would be expected to resubmit a corrected Postscript file. The figure caption should not be included in the Postscript files.


  1. Tables should be numbered consecutively and titled. All table columns should have an explanatory heading. Tables should not repeat data which are available elsewhere in the paper, e.g. in a line diagram.
  2. Table legends should appear at the start of the table. NB. The information reproduced above, plus referee forms, copyright transfer forms and lists of journal papers, can be obtained by electronic mail. Please send the message send help to

General Notes

  1. Only original papers will be accepted, and copyright in published papers will be vested in the publisher. (NOTE: Because of recent changes in copyright laws the transfer of copyright from author to publisher, previously implicit in the submission of the manuscript, must now be explicitly transferred to enable the publisher to ensure maximum dissemination of the author's work. A copy of the Publishing Agreement to be used for Concurrency: Practice and Experience is reproduced in each volume. Additional copies are available from the journal editor or from the publisher, or contributors may photocopy the agreement from this journal. A copy of this agreement, signed by the author, must accompany every article submitted for publication.)

  2. The publisher will do everything possible to ensure prompt publication. It will therefore be appreciated if submitted text and illustrations conform from the outset to the style of the journal. The full postal address should be given for the author who will check proofs, along with e-mail, fax, telephone and telex numbers where possible. Corrected page proofs must be returned to the publisher within three days to minimise the risk of the author's contribution having to be held over to a later issue.

  3. It is the author's responsibility to obtain written permission to quote material which has appeared in another publication.

  4. Twenty-five offprints of each paper and one copy of the journal issue in which it appears will be provided free of charge. Additional offprints may be purchased on the order form which will be supplied to the author.

  5. Submitted material will not be returned to authors following publication unless the material is accompanied by a request to do so when it is first submitted to the publisher.

  6. Authors should follow the Oxford English Dictionary if using English spelling, and Webster's New World Dictionary if using American spelling.

  7. Authors should write concisely.

  8. Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced with wide margins, on one side of the paper only and submitted in duplicate, unless accompanied by a machine readable copy.

  9. The title should be brief, typed on a separate sheet and the author's name should be typed on the line below the tltle; the affiliation and address should follow on the next line. In the case of co-authors their respective addresses should be clearly indicated. Correspondence and proofs for corrections will be sent to the first-named author, unless otherwise requested.

  10. The body of the manuscript should be preceded by a Summary (maximum length 200 words) which should be a summary of the entire paper not of the conclusions alone.

  11. The paper should be reasonably subdivided into sections and, if necessary, subsections. Numbering of these should be avoided wherever possible.

  12. Distinctions should be made between capital and lower case letters; between the letter O and zero: between the lower case letter `L', the number one and prime; between K and kappa, and Greek letters, or mathematical and unusual symbols should be identified separately in the margin.

  13. Unless submitted in machine-readable form, program material should be applied as originals on plain paper, and will be reproduced photographically to avoid errors. A distinct black image must be supplied. Copies of programs produced on raster devices are acceptable only if the devices have a resolution greater than or equal to 300 dots/inch. The `house-style' is to set programs in a fixed pitch 9 on 11 point Courier typewriter font to ease problems of vertical alignment. The editor and publishers do not accept responsibility for the correctness of published programs.

  14. References to published literature should be quoted in the text by sequential numbers in square brackets and grouped together at the end of the paper in numerical order. Journal titles should be quoted in full.

    For example:

    1. C. Bigelow, `Typeface protection', Postscript Language Journal, 1, 2831 (1987).
    2. J. E. Saltzer, `Runoff', in The Compatible Time-sharing System, Cambridge, Mass. (1965).

  1. Colour illustrations will only be reproduced in colour at the author's expense.

  2. Each illustration should be produced on a separate sheet and submitted with the final manuscript.

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Last updated 25th August 1995 by: