How Do I Close a Project?

Please, select the one you would like to close and follow the edit link.

If you forgot which project you like to close or you have multiple projects, you can find a list of projects you lead or manage at Once you have pressed edit, you have the option to add results.
  1. Scroll down until you find the section "Project Results". Please fill out this section and report upon the achievements of this project.
  2. Please also upload references that you have produced for this project. In each case, please make sure that you only upload/report references directly related to this project. 
  3. Please provide us feedback to FutureGrid by using our help form at and ask that you like to close the project.
After you have requested a project closing, it will be  by our project committee to make sure we have sufficient results from you.

Once a project is closed all members will be notified.

If you need help, please contact us.